经济学是一个基本的经济学系统,其他插件可以使用提供的 API。就其本身而言,此插件仅提供列出的功能,没有商店。


此插件使用权限系统。若要分配权限,请使用 。若要删除权限,请使用 。oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>
  • economics.balance— 允许玩家将命令用于其他玩家balance
  • economics.deposit— 允许玩家使用命令deposit
  • economics.depositall— 允许玩家使用命令向所有玩家存入金额deposit
  • economics.setbalance— 允许玩家使用命令setbalance
  • economics.setbalanceall— 允许玩家使用命令为所有玩家设置金钱setbalance
  • economics.transfer— 允许玩家使用命令transfer
  • economics.transferall— 允许玩家使用命令将金额转移给所有连接的玩家transfer
  • economics.withdraw— 允许玩家使用命令withdraw
  • economics.withdrawall— 允许玩家使用命令从所有玩家那里提取金额withdraw
  • economics.wipe— 允许玩家使用命令擦除数据ecowipe


  • balance
  • balance <player name or id>
    检查 [name] 玩家余额(需要 economics.balance)
  • deposit <player name or id | *> <amount>
    向 [name] 玩家存入 [金额] (需要 economics.deposit)
  • setbalance <player name or id | *> <amount>
    将 [name] 玩家的余额设置为 [amount](需要 economics.setbalance)
  • transfer <player name or id | *> <amount>
    将 [金额] 转移给 [name] 玩家(需要 economics.transfer)
  • withdraw <player name or id | *> <amount>
    从 [name] 玩家那里提取 [金额] (需要 economics.withdraw)
  • ecowipe
    擦除所有已保存的 Economics 数据,包括余额(需要 economics.wipe)

注意:上述命令用法中的星号 (*) 表示所有玩家;请谨慎使用。对所有玩家使用 * 需要关联的 *All 权限。


  "Allow negative balance for accounts": false,
  "Balance limit for accounts (0 to disable)": 0,
  "Negative balance limit for accounts (0 to disable)": 0,
  "Remove unused accounts": true,
  "Log transactions to file": false,
  "Starting account balance (0 or higher)": 1000,
  "Wipe balances on new save file": false

注意:擦除新保存选项目前仅适用于 Rust 和 Hurtworld


默认消息位于目录下的文件中。要添加对其他语言的支持,请创建一个新的语言文件夹(例如 对于德语),如果尚未创建,请将默认语言文件复制到新文件夹,然后自定义邮件。Economicslang/ende
  "CommandBalance": "balance",
  "CommandDeposit": "deposit",
  "CommandSetBalance": "SetBalance",
  "CommandTransfer": "transfer",
  "CommandWithdraw": "withdraw",
  "CommandWipe": "ecowipe",
  "DataSaved": "Economics data saved!",
  "DataWiped": "Economics data wiped!",
  "DepositedToAll": "Deposited {0:C} total ({1:C} each) to {2} player(s)",
  "LogDeposit": "{0:C} deposited to {1}",
  "LogSetBalance": "{0:C} set as balance for {1}",
  "LogTransfer": "{0:C} transferred to {1} from {2}",
  "LogWithdrawl": "{0:C} withdrawn from {1}",
  "NegativeBalance": "Balance can not be negative!",
  "NotAllowed": "You are not allowed to use the '{0}' command",
  "NoPlayersFound": "No players found with name or ID '{0}'",
  "PlayerBalance": "Balance for {0}: {1:C}",
  "PlayerLacksMoney": "'{0}' does not have enough money!",
  "PlayersFound": "Multiple players were found, please specify: {0}",
  "ReceivedFrom": "You have received {0} from {1}",
  "SetBalanceForAll": "Balance set to {0:C} for {1} player(s)",
  "TransactionFailed": "Transaction failed! Make sure amount is above 0",
  "TransferredTo": "{0} transferred to {1}",
  "TransferredToAll": "Transferred {0:C} total ({1:C} each) to {2} player(s)",
  "TransferToSelf": "You can not transfer money yourself!",
  "UsageBalance": "{0} - check your balance",
  "UsageBalanceOthers": "{0} <player name or id> - check balance of a player",
  "UsageDeposit": "{0} <player name or id> <amount> - deposit amount to player",
  "UsageSetBalance": "Usage: {0} <player name or id> <amount> - set balance for player",
  "UsageTransfer": "Usage: {0} <player name or id> <amount> - transfer money to player",
  "UsageWithdraw": "Usage: {0} <player name or id> <amount> - withdraw money from player",
  "UsageWipe": "Usage: {0} - wipe all economics data",
  "YouLackMoney": "You do not have enough money!",
  "YouLostMoney": "You lost: {0:C}",
  "YouReceivedMoney": "You received: {0:C}",
  "YourBalance": "Your balance is: {0:C}",
  "WithdrawnForAll": "Withdrew {0:C} total ({1:C} each) from {2} player(s)",
  "ZeroAmount": "Amount cannot be zero"