
此插件使用权限系统。若要分配权限,请使用 。若要删除权限,请使用 。oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>
  • autopickup.use— 允许玩家使用聊天命令并自动拾取。


  • /ap– 打开自动取货UI


  "Settings": {
    "Clear Data On Map Wipe": false,
    "Use Teams": false,
    "Use Clans": true,
    "Use Friends": true,
    "Auto pickup is enabled by default": true,
    "Prevent pickup other player's backpack": false,
    "Prevent pickup other player's corpse": false,
    "Prevent pickup other player's plant entity": false,
    "Prevent pickup other player's loot container": true
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Chat Command": "ap",
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#00FFFF>[AutoPickup]</color>: ",
    "Chat SteamID Icon": 0
  "Auto Pickup Settings": {
    "PlantEntity": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "CollectibleEntity": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "MurdererCorpse": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "ScientistCorpse": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "PlayerCorpse": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "ItemDropBackpack": {///Backpack left by the corpse
      "Enabled": true,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "ItemDrop": {///Backpack left by box
      "Enabled": false,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "WorldItem": {///Discarded item
      "Enabled": false,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "LootContainer": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
    "CollectableGifts": {//Halloween candy and Easter egg
      "Enabled": false,
      "Check Radius": 0.5
  "World Item Pickup Settings": {
    "Auto Pickup Delay": 0.5,
    "Check that player's inventory is full": true,
    "Only pickup items that exist in player's inventory": false,
    "Item Block List (Item shortname)": [],
    "Allow Pickup Item Category": {
      "Attire": true,
      "Misc": true,
      "Ammunition": true,
      "Construction": true,
      "Component": true,
      "Items": true,
      "Traps": true,
      "Electrical": true,
      "Fun": true,
      "Food": true,
      "Resources": true,
      "Weapon": true,
      "Medical": true,
      "Tool": true
  "Loot Container Pickup Settings": {
    "loot-barrel-1": true,
    "loot-barrel-2": true,
    "trash-pile-1": true,
    "crate_basic": true,
    "crate_elite": true,
    "crate_mine": true,
    "crate_normal": true,
    "crate_normal_2": true,
    "crate_normal_2_food": true,
    "crate_normal_2_medical": true,
    "crate_tools": true,
    "crate_underwater_advanced": true,
    "crate_underwater_basic": true,
    "dm ammo": true,
    "dm c4": true,
    "dm construction resources": true,
    "dm construction tools": true,
    "dm food": true,
    "dm medical": true,
    "dm res": true,
    "dm tier1 lootbox": true,
    "dm tier2 lootbox": true,
    "dm tier3 lootbox": true,
    "foodbox": true,
    "loot_barrel_1": true,
    "loot_barrel_2": true,
    "loot_component_test": true,
    "loot_trash": true,
    "minecart": true,
    "oil_barrel": true,
    "codelockedhackablecrate": true,
    "supply_drop": true,
    "giftbox_loot": true,
    "presentdrop": true,
    "stocking_large_deployed": true,
    "stocking_small_deployed": true,
    "bradley_crate": true,
    "heli_crate": true,
    "visualshelvestest": true
  "Collectible Entity Pickup Settings": {
    "corn-collectable": true,
    "hemp-collectable": true,
    "mushroom-cluster-5": true,
    "mushroom-cluster-6": true,
    "potato-collectable": true,
    "pumpkin-collectable": true,
    "halloween-bone-collectable": true,
    "halloween-metal-collectable": true,
    "halloween-stone-collectable": true,
    "halloween-sulfur-collectible": true,
    "halloween-wood-collectable": true,
    "metal-collectable": true,
    "stone-collectable": true,
    "sulfur-collectable": true,
    "wood-collectable": true,
    "diesel_collectable": true
  "Plant Entity Pickup Settings": {
    "corn.entity": true,
    "hemp.entity": true,
    "potato.entity": true,
    "pumpkin.entity": true