

Multiline messages now supported.



  • 清除由某些插件引起的聊天垃圾邮件 通过将某些插件从聊天区域移动到通知区域,玩家可以实际看到彼此的消息。
  • 例如,让您的玩家能够回顾事件插件发送的一些消息(这通常是他们完成事件所必需的,并且通常在聊天中丢失),他们可以通过键入 /n 来回顾这些消息,并阅读他们错过的内容。
  • 当您使用“say”命令时,突出显示您向玩家广播的消息。
  • 在 PVE 服务器上,您可以通过将玩家发送到过滤器(@bradley、@trainyard等)来转换玩家调用他们正在掠夺的纪念碑时发送的消息。



/n - (Shows list of recently appeared notifications - can be changed in config)
/n disable - (Disables notifications for player)
/n enable - (Enables back notifications for player)





  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 7
  "General settings": {
    "Can filter player messages?": false,
    "Recent notifications command": "n",
    "Show time (gametime, servertime, none)": "gametime"
  "Server messages settings - 'say' command": {
    "Convert all server messages?": false,
    "Prefix": "[Server]",
    "Prefix color": "#FFB84C"
  "Notification area settings": {
    "Time visible (in seconds)": 10,
    "Max # of notifications visible": 10,
    "Alternate color 1": "#212741",
    "Alternate color 2": "#303856",
    "Opacity": 70.0,
    "Width": 350.0,
    "Position (Top, TopLeft, TopRight, Left, Right, Center, Bottom, BottomLeft, BottomRight)": "TopRight",
    "X axis": 15.0,
    "Y axis": 15.0,
    "Single notification settings": {
      "Height": 20.0,
      "Font size": 11,
      "Text alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
      "Default text color (if not formatted)": "#ffffff"
  "Recent notifications modal settings": {
    "Primary color": "#212741",
    "Secondary color 1": "#18122B",
    "Secondary color 2": "#303856"
  "Chat partial text to convert to notification": {
    "[DeathNotes]": {
      "Shows as? (NotificationOnly | ChatAndNotification | Neither)": "NotificationOnly",
      "Force Color": false,
      "Color": "#ffffff",
      "Enable Regex Formatting": false,
      "Advanced Formatting - Regex Pattern": "",
      "Advanced Formatting - Regex Replacement": ""
    "ServerRewards:": {
      "Shows as? (NotificationOnly | ChatAndNotification | Neither)": "NotificationOnly",
      "Force Color": false,
      "Color": "#ffffff",
      "Enable Regex Formatting": true,
      "Advanced Formatting - Regex Pattern": "^(ServerRewards:)(\\s)(.*)",
      "Advanced Formatting - Regex Replacement": "<color=#42C6FF>$3</color>"
  "Regex filters (Advanced)": {
    "(Rust Rewards :)": {
      "Shows as? (NotificationOnly | ChatAndNotification | Neither)": "NotificationOnly",
      "Force Color": false,
      "Color": "#ffffff",
      "Enable Regex Formatting": true,
      "Advanced Formatting - Regex Pattern": "(Rust Rewards :)(.*)",
      "Advanced Formatting - Regex Replacement": "<color=#FFE932>[Rust Rewards]</color>$2"