

  • 限制玩家一天内可以突袭的次数
  • 突袭数小时后再次可用
  • 突袭未填满特定游戏时间的玩家
  • 限制团队在一天内可以进行的突袭次数
  • 支持Anti Noob Raid的“antinoobraid.noob”权限 — 使用爆炸物作为家庭保护用户时,防止计数器减少。




此插件使用权限系统。若要分配权限,请使用 .若要删除权限,请使用 。oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>
  • raidlimit.admin — 允许玩家使用命令rl.reset
  • raidlimit.bypass— 忽略插件效果


  • /raidui — 切换 GUI(仅在配置上启用 UI 时运行)
  • /rlcheck — 检查可以 raid 的剩余数字或检查 raid 之前的剩余时间


  • rl.reset— 初始化玩家的“可能突袭数量”(需要 authlevel2 或 raidlimit.admin)
  • rl.addvalue [playername or id] [amount]— 增加或减少目标玩家的 raid 限制(插入负值时减少。(需要 authlevel2 或 raidlimit.admin)


  "1.RaidLimitOperationType": {
    //Determines the operating mechanism of the raid limit (0=ObjectOwnerIdentification, 1=ToolCupboardIdentification)
    "1.1.OperationType": 0,
    //By default, this option saves the owner of the building to determine the reduction of the raid counter (records all the people who contributed to the building.)
    "1.2.ObjectOwnerIdentification": {
      //Depth of recursively searching for objects (Higher numbers result in higher computations and higher accuracy)(-1 is 100% accurate)(The lower this number, the more likely the raid limit counter is to malfunction)
      "1.2.1.ObjectSearchDepth": -1,
      //Scope of searching between linked objects
      "1.2.2.ObjectSearchRange": 5
    //This option determines the reduction of the raid limit counter based on the cupboard that is connected to the building
    "1.3.ToolCupboardIdentification": {
      //Depth of recursively searching for objects (Higher numbers result in higher computations and higher accuracy)(-1 is 100% accurate)(The lower this number, the more likely the raid limit counter is to malfunction)
      "1.3.1.ObjectSearchDepth": -1,
      //Scope of searching between linked objects
      "1.3.2.ObjectSearchRange": 5,
      //Determines whether to check the instance ID of the toolcupboard (This option allows basic restrictions to work in the "ToolCupboardIdentification" mechanism)
      "1.3.3.CheckToolCupboardInstanceID": true,
      //Check the people who are authorized on the cupboard (If you turn this option on, you can also raid the homes of all the people who are authorized on the cupboard with one counter reduction.)
      "1.3.4.CheckAuthorizedPeoples": true
  "2.RaidLimitSettings": {
    //Maximum number of possible times that can raid
    "2.1.OneTimeMaximumRaidableHomeCount": 2,
    //a time when the first-time user cannot be raid.
    "2.2.NoobCantRaidSecond": 10800,
    //Whether to reset all raid counts at 0 o'clock
    "2.3.InitializeCounterOnMidnightTime": true,
    //Frequency of timer sensing zero hour (high values give high accuracy)
    "2.4.MidnightTimeDetectionTimerInterval": 10,
    //Time taken to charge the counter (If the value is -1, the counter will not be recharged)
    "2.5.CounterChargeDelay": 18000,
    //The standard for measuring the time it takes to recharge.(0 = realtime, 1 = playtime)
    "2.6.CounterChargeDelayType": 0,
    //Charging method (0 = Fill up all the times when consumed all, 1 == Charge one at a time when the value is not maximum)
    "2.7.CounterChargeType": 0
  "3.UISettings": {
    //Whether to use UI
    "3.1.UIEnable": true,
    //Update frequency of UI timer
    "3.2.UIUpdateInterval": 3
    //Position of the GUI showing the number of possible raid
    "3.3.UIPosition": {
      "3.3.1.AnchorMin": "0.28 0.025",
      "3.3.2.AnchorMax": "0.3392 0.06"
  "4.TeamSyncSettings": {
    //Synchronize raid limit counter with team members (Per-team limit is possible)
    "4.1.TeamCounterSync": true,
    //Prevent team members from bypassing counter reduction ( even if the player briefly disbandes the team to bypass the counter synchronization between team members, the counter is synchronized even if the person who was a team minutes ago Raid because the plug-in remembers the team in the state a few minutes ago.)
    "4.2.PreventTempDisband": true,
    //Interval to remember previous state of teaming
    "4.3.OldTeamSaveInterval": 600


插件播放器 RaidData 存储在 data/RaidLimitPlayerData.json 中。删除此文件将清除玩家突袭房屋的所有次数。插件播放器 UIData 存储在 data/RaidLimitPlayerUIData.json 中。删除此文件将擦除所有玩家 UI 切换数据插件播放器 OldTeamData 存储在 data/RaidLimitPlayerTeamData.json 中。删除此文件将删除几分钟前的成组信息。


默认消息位于目录下的文件中。要添加对另一种语言的支持,请创建一个新的语言文件夹(例如 如果尚未创建,请将默认语言文件复制到新文件夹,然后自定义邮件。RaidLimitlang/ende
  "No Permission": "You do not have permission to use the '{0}' command.",
  "Date Changed": "The day has changed. The raid limit has been initialized.",
  "You Can Raid": "You have enough play time to raid.",
  "Add RaidList": "The owner of this building has been added to the raid list. you can raid {0} more time.",
  "Raid Blocked": "You can't raid any more today.",
  "Raid Blocked Time": "You have to play the game for more than {0}seconds before you can raid it. Your play time is {1}seconds",
  "Raid List Reset": "The raid limit has been initialized.",
  "Left Raid Count": "You can raid {0} more time.",
  //The items below have been added since version 1.1.0
  "bypass GUI Msg": "<color=#FFE400>bypass</color>",
  //The items below have been added since version 1.3.0
  "Team Member Raiding": "Team member \"{0}\" is raiding. Raid limit counter reduced. The owner of the house where the team is raiding has been added to the raid list."
  //The items below have been added since version 2.0.0
  "Add RaidList TC": "The building has been added to the raid list. you can raid {0} more time.",
  //The items below have been added since version 2.1.0
  "Raid Blocked NoRefill": "You can't raid any more.",
  "Raid Blocked RNextTime": "You can't raid right now. After {0} seconds in realtime, Raid count will be recharged.",
  "Raid Blocked PNextTime": "You can't raid right now. After {0} seconds in playtime, Raid count will be recharged.",
  "Raid Reset Specific Slayer": "Your raid limit has been refilled."
  //The items below have been added since version 2.2.0
  "SteamID Not Found": "Could not find this SteamID: {0}.",
  "Player Not Found": "Could not find this player: {0}.",
  "Multiple Players Found": "Found multiple players!\n\n{0}",
  "NotEnoughArgument": "to run this command you need {0} arguments.",
  "Invalid Parameter": "'{0}' is an invalid parameter.",
  "Count IncreasedC": "{0}'s raidlimit has increased by '{1}'.",
  "Count DecreasedC": "{0}'s raidlimit has decreased by '{1}'.",
  "Count IncreasedP": "raidlimit has increased by '{0}'.",
  "Count DecreasedP": "raidlimit has decreased by '{0}'."

开发者 API

void ShowUI(BasePlayer player)

void HideUI(BasePlayer player)