
Anti Noob Raid 可防止在一定时间内对新玩家放置的实体造成伤害。要使此插件正常工作,需要 Playtime Tracker 来监控玩家在服务器上停留的时间。玩家不能被突袭的时间段可以在配置文件中配置,默认为 43200(秒)。


此插件使用权限系统。若要分配权限,请使用 。若要删除权限,请使用 。oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>
This plugin uses Oxide's permission system.
To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.

antinoobraid.admin – 授予玩家命令 /refunditem 和 /checkname 的权限

antinoobraid.noob – 为玩家提供永久的菜鸟保护状态



/refunditem add – 将您持有的物品添加到将获得退款的物品列表中(如果该项目是 RAID 工具)

/refunditem remove – 从将获得退款的物品列表中删除您持有的物品(如果该项目是 RAID 工具)

/refunditem list – 列出当前设置为退款的所有项目

/refunditem clear – 清除设置为退款的项目列表

/refunditem all – 设置所有 RAID 工具以获得退款(C4、挎包、豆罐、F1 和所有 2 种类型的火箭(HV 和 Normal))

/checkname looking – 检查已部署的项目并获取其“实体设置”的名称

/checkname holding – 检查您持有的武器并获取其名称“武器设置”


/checknew – 允许玩家检查实体是否由新玩家放置,以避免丢失炸药(需要查看建筑物/实体)


(/) antinoob wipe playerdata – 从文件中擦除玩家数据

(/) antinoob wipe attempts- 从文件中擦除玩家突袭尝试

(/) antinoob wipe all – 擦除整个数据文件

(/) antinoob removenoob [SteamID] – 使玩家成为非菜鸟(如果您发现玩家不是菜鸟,请使用此选项)

(/) antinoob addnoob [SteamID] – 让玩家成为菜鸟(如果你注意到玩家真的是……菜鸟…


例如,在配置文件中,两个列表中都已经有一些项目。将实体添加到您需要添加到列表中的列表中,您需要添加要添加到列表中的实体的短预制件名称,您可以通过在客户端控制台中键入 debug.lookingat 或 /checkname looking(应看起来像这样“sleepingbag_leather_deployed”)来找到它。



在配置文件中,列表中已经有一个示例项。同样,将武器添加到列表中,您需要将要添加到列表中的武器的简短预制名称,您可以通过在握持武器的同时在聊天中键入 /checkname holding 来找到它(应该看起来像这样“rocket_smoke”)。


对于无限退款,请将 设置为零。"Refunds before player starts losing explosives"

为了工作,您需要设置为 false"Refund explosives""Remove noob status of a raider on raid attempt"

"Kill fireballs when someone tries to raid protected player with fire"不会杀死爆炸弹药和燃烧弹药的火球作为命中信息。InitiatorPlayer 不返回任何内容,使用这些项目创建的火

如果使用,您可以禁用保护 Twig 的选项,因为该插件可以防止使用 Twig 进行攻击"Anti Ladder and Twig""Ignore twig when calculating base ownership (prevents exploiting)"

如果受到保护,团队/军团成员的爆炸弹药和燃烧弹药产生的火焰不会损坏团队/军团结构。这是由于hitinfo。InitiatorPlayer 没有用火返回任何内容。子弹伤害和爆炸伤害仍然会造成伤害。

"List of entities that can be destroyed without losing noob prtection, true = destroyable everywhere"添加此选项是为了让菜鸟可以在需要时摧毁某些物品而不会失去保护。最好在这里添加存储容器,因为它将允许菜鸟摧毁腐烂基地中的盒子,但不允许其他玩家摧毁那里

"Show time until raidable only to owners"这将允许基地所有者只检查基地的保护时间!如果启用,军团/团队成员也可以

"List of Weapons/Tools that won't trigger player to lose noob protection"不支持爆炸性 5.56 步枪弹药、燃烧弹 5.56 步枪弹药、燃烧手枪子弹、12 口径燃烧弹和火箭。这是由于弹药的火/爆炸部分返回空,以获得所需的某些信息。

"Save data on Server Save"如果禁用,它将每 60 秒保存一次或保存"Save interval (seconds)"


The settings and options can be configured in the AntiNoobRaid file under the config directory.
The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
  "Main Settings": {
    "Time (seconds) after which noob will lose protection (in-game time)": 43200,
    "Days of inactivity after which player will be raidable": 3.0,
    "Remove noob status of a raider on raid attempt": true,
    "Remove noob status of a raider who is manually marked as a noob on raid attempt": true
  "Other Settings": {
    "Allow Patrol Helicopter to damage noob structures (This will allow players to raid noobs with Patrol Helicopter)": true,
    "Ignore twig when calculating base ownership (prevents exploiting)": true,
    "Check full ownership of the base instead of only one block": true,
    "Kill fireballs when someone tries to raid protected player with fire (prevents lag)": true
  "Team & Clan Settings": {
    "Enable 'Clan' Support (Allow clan members to destroy each others entities & Remove protection from clan members when a member tries to raid)": true,
    "Enable 'Team' Support (Allow team members to destroy each others entities & Remove protection from team members when a member tries to raid)": true
    "Enable 'Team' playtime sync (Sync's all player's within a team to the highest playtime)": true
  "Refund Settings": {
    "Refund explosives": true,
    "Refunds before player starts losing explosives": 4
  "Manage Messages": {
    "Notify player on first connection with protection time": true,
    "Use game tips to send most messages to players": true,
    "Show message for not being able to raid": true,
    "Show time until raidable": false,
    "Show time until raidable only to owners": true
  "Entity Settings": {
    "List of entities that can be destroyed even if owner is noob, true = destroyable everywhere": {
      "ShortPrefabName": "Common Name",
      "beartrap": "Snap Trap",
      "landmine": "Landmine"
    "List of entities that can be destroyed without losing noob protection, true = destroyable everywhere": {
      "ShortPrefabName": "Common Name",
      "campfire": "Camp Fire"
    "Weapon Settings": {
    "List of Weapons/Tools that won't trigger player to lose noob protection": {
      "ShortPrefabName": "Common Name",
      "rocket_smoke": "Smoke Rocket WIP!!!!"
  "Advance Settings": {
    "User data refresh interval (seconds)": 30,
    "Save interval (seconds)": 60,
    "Save data on Server Save": true,
    "Show structure has no owner in console": false,
    "Enable Logs (Logs can be found in /oxide/logs/antinoobraid)": true