

  • 修复:自定义项目名称分配错误,导致堆叠冲突
  • 已修复:错误报告了某些玩家的活跃直升机编号
  • 修复:如果直升机在空中被摧毁而没有死亡螺旋,奖励不会被处理
  • 新增:配置选项,用于惩罚使用受控自动炮塔造成大部分伤害的玩家奖励
  • 添加了:Heli的配置选项,以玩家控制的自动炮塔为目标,并带有可选的冷却选项
  • 新增:玩家控制炮塔损坏添加到损坏报告中
  • 更新:代码效率改进

关于Heli Signals


该插件带有 8 个默认的直升机配置文件,简单、中等、困难和精英,每个配置文件都有一个重复的配置文件,用于在每层一次调用多个直升机。此外,还有 2 个波浪直升机剖面,它们将一个接一个地调用不同直升机的波浪。每个默认配置文件都有自己的自定义电源信号皮肤(如下)。服务器所有者可以通过在配置中复制和粘贴现有配置文件并进行编辑来在配置中添加任意数量的配置文件。这可能需要服务器所有者为清单项目创建自己的自定义皮肤。


还有一个选项可以在崩溃站点生成 BotReSpawn 配置文件,只需在配置中设置 BRS 配置文件名称即可。



插件默认供应信号皮肤 ID,用于将物品添加到各种商店、战利品插件、套件等:

用商城上架这 招直升机售卖 先点出来信号弹 在复制下面的皮肤ID 号就可以售卖了



直升机信号(噩梦) : 3099117372

多直升机(简单) : 3083234542
多直升机(中) : 3083234833
多直升机(困难) : 3083234755
多直升机(精英) : 3083234647
多直升机(专家) : 3099124338




  • helisignals.admin(使用 give 命令)
  • helisignals.buy(使用 /hsbuy 命令)
  • helisignals.bypasscooldown
  • helisignals.easy(英语:helisignals.easy)
  • helisignals.medium(直升机信号中型)
  • helisignals.hard
  • helisignals.elite
  • helisignals.easy_multi
  • helisignals.medium_multi
  • helisignals.hard_multi
  • helisignals.elite_multi
  • helisignals.wave_normal
  • helisignals.wave_hard


  • hsgive <个人资料简称> <Steam64ID> <Amount>
  • hsbuy清单(列出全部和购买成本)
  • hsbuy <个人资料简称>
  • hsreport(获取所有活动直升机的详细信息)
  • hsretire (退役玩家或球队使用命令调用的所有直升机,不予退款。
  • HSCclearcd (清除所有冷却时间)
  • hsclearcd <SteamID|名称>(为玩家清除冷却时间)





以下钩子可用于在您的插件中检查自定义补给信号或巡逻直升机,以避免与您的插件发生冲突: 对象 IsHeliSignalObject(ulong skinID)

如果项目是 Bradley Drop 项目/实体,这将返回 true,如果不是,则返回 null。



if (Interface.CallHook("IsHeliSignalObject", skinID) != null)
return true; // IsHeliSignalObject


Plugin HeliSignals;

if (BradleyDrops.CallHook("IsHeliSignalObject", skinID) != null)
return true; // IsHeliSignalObject



“General Options”: {
“Use Friends”: false,
“Use Clans”: false,
“Use Teams”: false,
“Allow Dynamic PVP to Create PVP Zones”: false,
“Chat Prefix”: “<color=orange>[Heli Signals]</color>”,
“Use Chat Prefix”: true,
“Custom Chat Icon (Default = 0)”: 0,
“Supply Signal Fuse Length (Rust Default = 3.5)”: 3.5,
“Supply Signal Smoke Duration (Rust Default = 210)”: 210.0,
“Disable vanilla Patrol Helicopter”: false,
“Use This Plugin to Control Stacking/Combining Heli Signal Items”: true,
“Command to Show Details of Players Own Active Helis (Admin Perm Allows to See ALL Active Helis)”: “hsreport”
“Announce Options”: {
“Announce When Player Calls a Patrol Helicopter in Chat”: true,
“Announce Helicopter Kill in Chat”: true,
“Announce When a Helicopter Retires in Chat”: true,
“Announce Damage Report in Chat”: true,
“Also Give Damage Report When Helicopter Retires”: true,
“Announce Server/Vanilla Patrol Helicopter Kill in Chat”: false,
“Announce Server/Vanilla Patrol Helicopter Damage Report in Chat”: false,
“Announce Server/Vanilla Patrol Helicopter Display Name”: “Patrol Helicopter”,
“Announce Server/Vanilla Patrol Helicopter Owner Name”: “USAF (SERVER)”,
“Max Number Players Displayed in Damage Report”: 5,
“Announcements Also go to Global Chat (false = Player/Team Only)”: true
“Discord Options”: {
“Discord WebHook URL”: “https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks”,
“Announce to Discord When Helicopter is Called”: false,
“Announce to Discord When Helicopter is Killed”: false,
“Announce to Discord When Helicopter Retires”: false
“Reward Options”: {
“Rewards Plugin (ServerRewards | Economics)”: “ServerRewards”,
“Currency Unit Displayed e.g: RP | $”: “RP”,
“Enable Rewards”: false,
“Share Rewards Between Players Above Damage Threshold”: false,
“Plugin to Use For Awarding XP (SkillTree | XPerience)”: “XPerience”,
“Enable XP Reward”: false,
“Share XP Between Players Above Damage Threshold”: false,
“Award XP Including Players Existing Boosts”: false,
“Enable Scrap Reward”: false,
“Share Scrap Between Players Above Damage Threshold”: false,
“Enable Custom Reward Currency”: false,
“Share Custom Reward Between Players Above Damage Threshold”: false,
“Custom Reward Currency Item”: {
“ShortName”: “item.shortname”,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “Display Name”
“Rewards multipliers by permission”: {
“helisignals.examplevip1”: 1.25,
“helisignals.examplevip2”: 1.5,
“helisignals.examplevip3”: 1.75
“Purchasing Options”: {
“Player Buy Command (Chat or F1 Console)”: “hsbuy”,
“Purchasing Currency (Economics|ServerRewards|Custom)”: “Economics”,
“Currency Unit Displayed e.g: RP | $ (Not Used for Custom Currency)”: “RP”,
“Custom Currency”: [
“ShortName”: “scrap”,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Display Name”: “Scrap”
“Patrol Helicopter Options”: {
“Player Give Up and Retire Command (Retires All of That Players Helis, NO Refund Given)”: “hsretire”,
“Team Can Retire Helis Using the Command (Requires Use Friends/Clans/Teams option)”: false,
“Global Helicopter Limit (0 = No Limit)”: 10,
“Player Helicopter Limit (0 = No Limit)”: 3,
“Allow Helicopter to crash at nearest monument (Sets server ConVar: ‘patrolhelicopterai.monument_crash’)”: true,
“Allow Helicopter to flee attack (Sets server ConVar: ‘patrolhelicopterai.use_danger_zones’)”: true,
“Percent damage to trigger helicopter Fleeing (Sets server ConVar: ‘patrolhelicopterai.flee_damage_percentage’)”: 0.35,
“Force Helicopter to Return to Player if it Moves Too far Away”: false,
“Force Helicopter to Return Even if Attacking Other Players”: false,
“Force Helicopter to Return To Original Called Position Instead Of Player”: false,
“Max Distance of Helicopter From Player Before Force Return”: 500.0,
“Max Distance Helicopter Can Be Damaged By Any Player (0 = Disabled)”: 0.0,
“Map Scale Distance Away to Spawn Helicopter (Default: 1.25 = 1.25 x Map Size Distance)”: 1.25,
“Height of heli when it arrives at called location”: 20.0,
“Height of heli when it spawns (increase if it spawns under/in terrain)”: 100.0,
“Retire if Attacking Player is Building Blocked, While ‘Block Damage to Other Players Bases’ is True”: false,
“Retire Warning Threshold (Number of Warnings Allowed Before Retiring)”: 25,
“Retire Heli on Calling Player/Team Killed”: false,
“Use NoEscape”: false,
“Player Cooldown (seconds) Between Calls (0 = no cooldown)”: 3600.0,
“Player Cooldowns Apply to Each Tier Seperately”: true,
“Cooldown Applies to Clan/Team/Friends (Requires Use Friends/Use Clan/Use Teams)”: true,
“Allow Players to Damage Helis With Remote Auto Turrets”: true,
“Heli Rockets Player Controlled Auto Turrets if Majority Damage Comes From Them”: true,
“Cooldown Before Heli Can Strafe Player Controlled Turrets Again (seconds)”: 30.0,
“Penalize Players With Majority Damage From Auto Turrets by This Percentage (0 = No Penalty)”: 0.0,
“Allow Players to Call Helis at Monuments”: false,
“Minimum Distance From Monuments When Allow at Monuments is False”: 50.0,
“List of Monuments (Prefabs) to Block When Allow at Monuments is False”: [
“VIP/Custom Cooldowns”: {
“helisignals.examplevip1”: 3000.0,
“helisignals.examplevip2”: 2400.0,
“helisignals.examplevip3”: 1800.0
“Protected Prefab List (Prefabs Listed Here Will Never Take Damage)”: [
“assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab”,
“Heli Wave Options”: {
“Heli Wave Signal (Normal)”: {
“SkinID”: 3104667036,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “wave_normal”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: false,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 10000,
“Heli Wave Profile List (Helis Called in Order From Top to Bottom)”: [
“Heli Signal (Easy)”,
“Heli Signal (Medium)”,
“Heli Signal (Hard)”,
“Heli Signal (Elite)”,
“Multi Heli (Easy)”,
“Multi Heli (Medium)”,
“Multi Heli (Hard)”,
“Multi Heli (Elite)”
“Heli Wave Signal (Hard)”: {
“SkinID”: 3104666951,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “wave_hard”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: false,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 20000,
“Heli Wave Profile List (Helis Called in Order From Top to Bottom)”: [
“Heli Signal (Easy)”,
“Heli Signal (Medium)”,
“Heli Signal (Hard)”,
“Heli Signal (Elite)”,
“Multi Heli (Easy)”,
“Multi Heli (Medium)”,
“Multi Heli (Hard)”,
“Multi Heli (Elite)”
“Profiles”: {
“Heli Signal (Easy)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 1,
“Helicopter display name”: “Heli Signal (Easy)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 2920175997,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “easy”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 500,
“Starting health”: 10000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 900.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 500.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 4,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 20.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 250,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 300.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 40.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 1200.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 500.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 100.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 2,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 6,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Heli Signal (Medium)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 1,
“Helicopter display name”: “Heli Signal (Medium)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 2920176079,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “medium”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 1000,
“Starting health”: 20000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 1800.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 1000.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 6,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 30.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 300,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 320.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 60.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 1800.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 1000.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 200.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 4,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 8,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Heli Signal (Hard)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 1,
“Helicopter display name”: “Heli Signal (Hard)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 2920176050,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “hard”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 2000,
“Starting health”: 30000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 2700.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 1500.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 8,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 40.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 350,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 340.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 80.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 2400.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 500.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 400.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 6,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 10,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Heli Signal (Elite)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 1,
“Helicopter display name”: “Heli Signal (Elite)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 2920176024,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “elite”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 4000,
“Starting health”: 40000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 3600.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 2000.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 10,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 50.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 400,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 360.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 40.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 3600.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 500.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 600.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 8,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 12,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Multi Heli (Easy)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 2,
“Helicopter display name”: “Multi Heli (Easy)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 3083234542,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “easy_multi”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 750,
“Starting health”: 10000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 900.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 500.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 4,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 20.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 250,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 300.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 40.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 1200.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 500.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 1000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 100.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 2,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 6,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Multi Heli (Medium)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 2,
“Helicopter display name”: “Multi Heli (Medium)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 3083234833,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “medium_multi”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 1500,
“Starting health”: 20000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 1800.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 1000.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 6,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 30.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 300,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 320.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 60.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 1800.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 1000.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 2000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 200.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 4,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 8,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Multi Heli (Hard)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 2,
“Helicopter display name”: “Multi Heli (Hard)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 3083234755,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “hard_multi”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 3000,
“Starting health”: 30000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 2700.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 1500.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 8,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 40.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 350,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 340.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 80.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 2400.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 500.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 4000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 400.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 6,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 10,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Multi Heli (Elite)”: {
“Number of helicopters called to the player”: 2,
“Helicopter display name”: “Multi Heli (Elite)”,
“Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal”: 3083234647,
“Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)”: “elite_multi”,
“Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command”: true,
“Cost to purchase (using buy command)”: 6000,
“Starting health”: 40000.0,
“Main rotor health”: 3600.0,
“Tail rotor health”: 2000.0,
“Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location”: 42.0,
“Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)”: 42.0,
“Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)”: 75.0,
“Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)”: 30.0,
“Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Number of crates to spawn”: 10,
“Number of locked hackable crates to spawn”: 0,
“Hack time for locked crate (seconds)”: 900.0,
“Locked crate despawn time (seconds)”: 7200.0,
“Bullet damage (Default = 20)”: 50.0,
“Bullet speed (Default = 250)”: 400,
“Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)”: 0.125,
“Gun burst length (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“Time between bursts (Default = 3)”: 3.0,
“New target detection range (Default = 150)”: 150.0,
“Max targeting range (Default = 300)”: 360.0,
“Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)”: 40.0,
“Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)”: 0.2,
“Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)”: 1.0,
“Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)”: 0.75,
“Orbit Strafe chance (Default = 0.4)”: 0.4,
“Number of rockets to fire during orbit strafe (Default = 12)”: 12,
“Minimum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = -3)”: -3,
“Maximum variance to number of rockets fired during orbit strafe (Default = 24)”: 24,
“Despawn timer”: 3600.0,
“Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)”: false,
“Allow Helicopter to target other players”: true,
“Block damage to calling players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players bases”: false,
“Block damage to other players”: false,
“Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list”: false,
“Disable Heli gibs”: false,
“Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)”: 600.0,
“Health of gibs (more health = more resources)”: 500.0,
“Lock mining gibs to owner”: false,
“Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Disable fire on crates”: false,
“Crate fire duration (seconds)”: 300.0,
“Lock looting crates to owner”: false,
“Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)”: 300.0,
“Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000.0,
“XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000.0,
“Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000,
“Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)”: 8000,
“Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)”: 600.0,
“BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)”: “”,
“Loot Options”: {
“Use custom loot table to override crate loot”: false,
“Minimum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 8,
“Maximum number loot items in crate (0 – 12)”: 12,
“Allow duplication of loot items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Custom loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Extra Loot Options”: {
“Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)”: false,
“Minimum number extra items to add to crate”: 1,
“Maximum number extra items to add to crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of extra items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in each crate”: 2,
“Extra loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Locked Crate Loot Options”: {
“Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)”: false,
“Minimum number items to add to locked crate”: 1,
“Maximum number items to add to locked crate”: 3,
“Allow duplication of locked crate items”: false,
“Maximum number of BPs in crate”: 2,
“Locked crate loot table”: [
“ShortName”: “example.shortname1”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“ShortName”: “example.shortname2”,
“Chance (0 – 100)”: 50.0,
“Min Amount”: 1,
“Max Amount”: 2,
“SkinID”: 0,
“Custom Display Name (leave blank unless creating custom items)”: “”,
“Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 – 100)”: 0.0
“Version”: {
“Major”: 1,
“Minor”: 2,
“Patch”: 18
