关于Custom Gather





  1. 根据 oxide 权限组创建自定义收集速率
    • 示例:全球聚集率为 2 倍,但 VIP 以 4 倍聚集,精英 VIP 以 8 倍聚集。
  2. 修改可卸载火车车厢中的资源
  3. 为公共和私人采石场设置单独的自定义费率
  4. 修改捕鱼率
  5. 采集率修正器包括从植物中采摘的蛴螬/蠕虫

配置 JSON 文件

该插件创建两个 JSON 文件,一个位于 Oxide/Config/CustomGather.json 中,另一个位于 Oxide/Data/CustomGather.json 中。

  • 配置文件用于设置全局开/关开关、可卸载火车车厢设置、黑名单和全局覆盖列表。
  • 数据文件用于创建和指定要通过氧化物权限分配的自定义组。
    • ‘default’ 组创建一个名为 customgather.default 的权限,并自动将其分配给默认的 oxide 组
    • 所有其他组都会生成标题为 customgather 的权限。{groupname},然后必须分配给氧化物组或播放器。
    • 请勿在服务器擦除期间删除数据 json 文件。它将重置您的所有自定义组设置,并且需要重新配置。



黑名单将项目的收集率恢复为 1 倍,以显示其所列的指定收集方法。全局覆盖列表与此类似,但您可以为特定项目指定自定义收集速率,然后全局应用该速率,而不考虑权限组或收集方法。



  • /cg info — 显示每个自定义组及其收集速率


配置 JSON – 示例

  "Global On/Off Switches. Only set these to false if you use a separate plugin to control specific gather rates.": {
    "Modify rates for items picked off the terrain (ex: plants, tree stumps, small ore nodes)": true,
    "Modify rates for items grown in planters": true,
    "Modify rates for fishing": true,
    "Modify rates for PUBLIC Quarries and Pumpjacks": true,
    "Modify rates for PRIVATE Quarries and Pumpjacks": true,
    "Modify rates for the Giant Excavator": true,
    "Modify rates for Dispensers (ex: ore nodes, trees, animal corpses)": true,
    "Modify rates for Resource Train Wagons": true
  "Unloadable Train Wagon Settings": {
    "Multiplication Rate": 20,
    "Single Stack of Resources?": true
  "Blacklists (items to gather at vanilla rates)": {
    "Harvested Items": [
    "Pickup Items": [
    "Planter Box Items": [
    "Fishing": [
    "Quarries & Pumpjacks": [
    "Excavator": [
    "Train Resource Wagons": [
  "Global Override List": {
    "pumpkin": 20,
    "hq.metal.ore": 10

数据 JSON – 示例

  "Custom Permission Group Settings": {
    "default": {
      "Gather Rate": 1,
      "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1,
      "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1,
      "Giant Excavator Rate": 1,
      "Fishing Rate": 1
    "vip": {
      "Gather Rate": 2,
      "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2,
      "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2,
      "Giant Excavator Rate": 2,
      "Fishing Rate": 2
    "Elite": {
      "Gather Rate": 3,
      "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3,
      "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3,
      "Giant Excavator Rate": 3,
      "Fishing Rate": 3
    "SuperElite": {
      "Gather Rate": 4,
      "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4,
      "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4,
      "Giant Excavator Rate": 4,
      "Fishing Rate": 4
    "MegaElite": {
      "Gather Rate": 5,
      "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5,
      "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5,
      "Giant Excavator Rate": 5,
      "Fishing Rate": 5