关于MLRS Damage


允许您修改玩家基地、可突袭/废弃基地和 NPC 的 MLRS 伤害率。还允许您调整 MLRS 的冷却计时器。


  • mlrsdamage.damage <amount> – 更改伤害倍率。
  • mlrsdamage.cooldown <amount> – 更改了 MLRS 的服务器冷却计时器
  • mlrsdamage.pvp <true/false> – 启用/禁用 MLRS 造成的玩家 pvp 伤害
  • mlrsdamage.pvpbase <true/false> – 启用/禁用 MLRS 造成的玩家基地伤害
  • mlrsdamage.raidable <true/false> – 启用/禁用 MLRS 造成的可攻击/废弃基地伤害
  • mlrsdamage.npc <true/false> – 启用/禁用 MLRS 造成的 NPC 伤害
  • mlrsdamage.rockets <金额> – 更改 MLRS 能够存储/发射的火箭的总容量
  • mlrsdamage.module {true/false} – 启用/禁用对瞄准模块的需求
  • mlrsdamage.interval {amount} – 更改火箭发射之间的间隔



  "MLRS Settings": {
    "MLRS Damage Multiplier": 1.0,                              // scale at which the MLRS does damage
    "Allow Damage to Player entities": true,                    // allow damage to player owned entities
    "Allow Damage to Players": true,                            // allow damage to players
    "Allow Damage to Raidable and Abandoned Bases": true,       // allow damage to Raidable or Abandoned Bases
    "Allow Damage to NPCs": true,                               // allow damage to NPCs on the map
    "MLRS Cooldown time (in minutes)": 10.0                     // cooldown timer for MLRS, default is 10
    "Total Rockets for MLRS to fire": 12                        // total number of rockets to shoot in a single barrage, default is 12
    "Rocket Launch Interval (in seconds)": 0.5,                 // time inbetween rocket launches. Must be positive, but can cause issues if set lower than 0.1
    "Requires Aiming Module": false                             // When set to true, an aiming module is always put in the MLRS and is locked from being looted by players