


创建农场 具有所需权限的玩家可以通过进入动物喂食器并单击他可用的动物类型来创建农场

动物捕捉 捕捉


  • 每个玩家的最大农场数
  • 在界面中更改动物图片
  • RU 和 EN 语言的本地化


  • 陷阱皮肤变化
  • 更改陷阱的名称
  • 疏水阀模型更改
  • 疏水阀范围
  • 定制可以用陷阱捕捉哪些动物
  • 动物物品被捕获后更换皮肤
  • 在界面中启用/禁用制作
  • 在界面中更改陷阱图片
  • 制作所需物品清单


  • 每个物种的农场创建特权
  • 将带来资源的动物的名称(应为 ShortPrefabName)
  • 从服务器场获取资源的时间间隔
  • 从动物身上拿走多少HP值
  • 最大动物数量
  • 农场范围
  • 每 1 个蜱点所需的食物量(0 – 关闭)
  • 农场需要什么食物(简称)
  • 放置在与农场连接的盒子中的奖励的详细设置






myanimalfarm.give.animal - allows you to give animals by skin
myanimalfarm.give.trap - allows you to give traps by skin


ganimal "name|steamid" "SkinId" - gives an animal by skin
gtrap "name|steamid" "SkinId" - gives a trap by skin

要使陷阱正常工作,必须在服务器上启用 AI


  "General settings": {
    "Maximum farms per player": 4,
    "Link to pictures of animals": {
      "bear": "https://i.imgur.com/rwNKrbQ.png",
      "wolf": "https://i.imgur.com/AHpf3pf.png",
      "stag": "https://i.imgur.com/WmIKIFG.png",
      "boar": "https://i.imgur.com/GehMURO.png"
  "Trap settings": [
      "Trap's skinID": 2700797172,
      "Trap's name": "Boar/Deer Trap",
      "Bait's ShortName": "pumpkin",
      "Trap's radius": 30.0,
      "Who can be caught": [
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2683341177,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "boar",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/boar/boar.prefab"
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700820020,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "stag",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/stag/stag.prefab"
      "Can be crafted": true,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/IL0QYe0.png",
      "List of necessary items for crafting": [
          "Item Shortname": "pumpkin",
          "Item Amount": 1
          "Item Shortname": "trap.bear",
          "Item Amount": 1
      "Trap's skinID": 2700876388,
      "Trap's name": "Wolf/Bear Trap",
      "Bait's ShortName": "meat.boar",
      "Trap's radius": 30.0,
      "Who can be caught": [
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700880093,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "bear",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab"
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700884049,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "wolf",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab"
      "Can be crafted": true,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/sZyLCgP.png",
      "List of necessary items for crafting": [
          "Item Shortname": "meat.boar",
          "Item Amount": 1
          "Item Shortname": "trap.bear",
          "Item Amount": 1
  "Farm settings": [
      "Permission to be able to create a farm": "myanimalfarm.bear",
      "Animal name": "bear",
      "Interval between receiving items": 300,
      "How much to take away HP from animals for 1 tick of rewards (0 - off)": 25,
      "Maximum farm animals": 2,
      "Farm radius": 10,
      "The amount of food eaten per 1 animal per 1 tick (0 - off)": 1,
      "Food ShortName": "meat.boar",
      "Rewards": [
          "Item ShortName": "stones",
          "Item amount": 100,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 100
          "Item ShortName": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 1
          "Item ShortName": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 25
      "Permission to be able to create a farm": "myanimalfarm.boar",
      "Animal name": "boar",
      "Interval between receiving items": 300,
      "How much to take away HP from animals for 1 tick of rewards (0 - off)": 10,
      "Maximum farm animals": 4,
      "Farm radius": 10,
      "The amount of food eaten per 1 animal per 1 tick (0 - off)": 1,
      "Food ShortName": "pumpkin",
      "Rewards": [
          "Item ShortName": "stones",
          "Item amount": 100,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 100
          "Item ShortName": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 1
          "Item ShortName": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 25
      "Permission to be able to create a farm": "myanimalfarm.stag",
      "Animal name": "stag",
      "Interval between receiving items": 300,
      "How much to take away HP from animals for 1 tick of rewards (0 - off)": 10,
      "Maximum farm animals": 6,
      "Farm radius": 10,
      "The amount of food eaten per 1 animal per 1 tick (0 - off)": 1,
      "Food ShortName": "pumpkin",
      "Rewards": [
          "Item ShortName": "stones",
          "Item amount": 100,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 100
          "Item ShortName": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 1
          "Item ShortName": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 25
      "Permission to be able to create a farm": "myanimalfarm.wolf",
      "Animal name": "wolf",
      "Interval between receiving items": 300,
      "How much to take away HP from animals for 1 tick of rewards (0 - off)": 10,
      "Maximum farm animals": 3,
      "Farm radius": 10,
      "The amount of food eaten per 1 animal per 1 tick (0 - off)": 1,
      "Food ShortName": "meat.boar",
      "Rewards": [
          "Item ShortName": "stones",
          "Item amount": 100,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 100
          "Item ShortName": "rifle.ak",
          "Item amount": 1,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 1
          "Item ShortName": "glue",
          "Item amount": 10,
          "Item skinID": 2409891781,
          "Item name (if custom)": "$",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 25
  "Config version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0
