他们会突袭你的基地,告诉他们发现 tc 或配置中设置的时间已用完,或者你杀死了所有 npc 波。


您可以使用 umod 的套件插件为它们配备衣服和枪支,请参阅下面的配置示例。

权限在每个 raid 类型的配置中设置。

npcraiders.use – 需要使用 /raidme 聊天命令。
npcraiders.admin – 需要使用 /raidme 重新加载聊天命令。
npcraiders.nocooldown – 禁用冷却时间设置。
npcraiders.nocost – 禁用收费。

/raidme – 将显示 raid 帮助菜单。
/raidme buy – 将显示 raid buy 帮助菜单和成本。
/raidme buy <type> – 启动该类型的突袭。
/raidme reload player <玩家名> = 将取消那里的raid事件。
/raidme reload all – 将取消所有事件。
/raidmeterrain – 获取你所在位置的地形名称。
/raidme loot – 生成包含库存中所有物品的

战利品配置文件 战利品配置文件
/raidme loot add <profileName> – 创建或添加更多物品到配置文件
/raidme loot clear <profileName> – 清除配置文件中的所有信息

创建时战利品配置文件,您需要编辑其数据文件并设置要给予的物品的最小和最大数量。您可以在其中更改物品数量的其他最小/最大数量,默认值为 1 为创建时的数量 配置

ByTypes 可以是 “Itemid” 、 “ServerRewards” 或 “Economics”
默认为 scrap “-932201673”

RewardType 可以是 “Itemid” 、 “ServerRewards”、 “Economics” 或 “kit”

“AutoTurretDamage”: 0.0 – 禁用瞄准 npc。
“AutoTurretDamage”:1.0 – 对 npc 造成完全伤害/范围为 0.0 到 1.0。

  "Random settings": {
    "Chat command": "raidme",
    "The Maxum amount of raid events that can go on at once": 6,
    "Cooldown before you can call in another raid": 3600,
    "Cooldown after authorising on a tc be for you can start a raid": 86400,
    "The maxum amount of time a rocket will fly before exploding": 4.0,
    "Limit the damage to players building": false
  "All Raid Types": {
    "Raid types must be in lowercase": {
      "easy": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.easy",
        "Total npcs per wave": 15,
        "How many extra waves": 0,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 640,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [
        "Spawn health of the npc": 100.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 0.01,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "medium": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.medium",
        "Total npcs per wave": 15,
        "How many extra waves": 3,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 900,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 200.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "hard": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.hard",
        "Total npcs per wave": 20,
        "How many extra waves": 4,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 1200,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "expert": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.expert",
        "Total npcs per wave": 30,
        "How many extra waves": 4,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 1500,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
      "nightmare": {
        "The Permission": "npcraiders.nightmare",
        "Total npcs per wave": 30,
        "How many extra waves": 5,
        "Seconds untell next wave": 120,
        "Total event time in seconds": 2100,
        "Npc drop loot on death": true,
        "Npc drop loot config names": [],
        "Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
        "Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
        "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
        "Explosive item shortnames": [
        "Names to give the npcs": [
          "Cobalt Scientist"
        "Spawn kits for the npcs": []
  "Raid Buy Options": {
    "BuyOptions": {
      "easy": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 5000
      "medium": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1000
      "hard": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1500
      "expert": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1500
      "nightmare": {
        "BuyType": "-932201673",
        "BuyAmmount": 1500
  "Raid Reward Options": {
    "RewardOptions": {
      "easy": {
        "enabled": true,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "kit",
        "RewardAmmount": [
      "medium": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1000
      "hard": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1500
      "expert": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1500
      "nightmare": {
        "enabled": false,
        "rewardAll": false,
        "RewardType": "-932201673",
        "RewardAmmount": 1500
  "Block raid in colider": {
    "Blocked": [
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 15